We had a great Meet & Greet with Principal Marshall last night. There were many engaged parents there, and we are so fortunate to have such an experienced and accessible educator leading us. We also know we have a lot to do to make Hamilton the best that it can be for our kids. Our experience at Hamilton is what we create together.
We will not be shy about asking you to be a part of this. We know that everyone can contribute in some way. Here is what we need from you:
1) Sign up to become a member of the Hamilton PTSA! The cost is just $15 per parent/guardian and the PTSA is happy to help defray membership fees if needed:
2) We need parents and guardians to fill these very important PTSA board roles this year: Vice President, Secretary, Co-communications chair, 7th grade liaison, co-8th grade liaison. Dads, we’re looking at you too! If you or someone you know is interested email: [email protected].
3) Come to an upcoming PTSA board meeting to meet us and see how you can get involved. The next meeting is Sept 20., and the PTSA fall general meeting is Oct. 25. We’ll send out further updates; usually these meetings are at the school and begin in the early evening.