In 2023–24, Hamilton PTSA membership grew substantially, and our board expanded from just a few people to nearly twenty! Collaborating with school staff, here are some of the accomplishments of the PTSA’s donors and volunteers just last year—and a mighty thank you to everyone involved.

  • A great new principal: PTSA leadership participated in the interview process to hire a principal, and we warmly welcome Dr. Marshall to his new permanent role.
  • Locking cell phone pouches: The PTSA started a Tech Committee, held educational forums about safe use of laptops and cell phones, researched solutions to cell phone misuse, held community forums, and funded new locking cell phone pouches for the 2024–25 school year.
  • Hawk Days: The administration and PTSA launched these end-of-quarter celebrations that provide students with a wide variety of activity options for important, post-Covid-era social time.
  • 8th Grade Promotion: After several years of smaller, “Covid-style” promotion ceremonies, PTSA volunteers upped the ante last spring by producing a formal ceremony at Lincoln High School and a reception at Hamilton with treats, a live band, food trucks, and more.
  • Steel Drum Band: PTSA dollars are helping launch Hamilton’s new steel drum program this year!
  • Advocacy: At the Washington State PTA legislative assembly in Olympia, several HIMS PTSA board members advocated for bills involving multilingual education, protection for students from outdated discipline practices, gun safety, and special education. We also supported our school’s Race & Equity team and provided funding for staff education materials.
  • Family support: PTSA dollars supported student success and inclusion with activity scholarships and items like clothing and food for families who needed them. We also funded nurse supplies and emergency supplies for the building.
  • Academic and staff support: This included coordinating volunteers and procuring meals for staff appreciation events and funding library books, academic games, science equipment, art supplies, other classroom supplies, and even extra staffing support.
  • Activity support: This included supplementing field trip costs; producing Pi Night and the 8th grade dance; promoting the new Lunch with Your Child events; and funding items like sports uniforms and equipment, a new ping pong table, assembly speakers and musicians, classroom snacks, and much more.
  • A new PTSA website: Come visit

The new year is going to be even better. We’re continually learning and refining, and now we’re discussing new things like:

  • Grants: Let’s apply for grants for a trip to Washington, DC for 8th graders; a trip to sleep-away camp like in years past; and more after-school activities.
  • Advocacy: Let’s expand the PTSA’s advocacy activities and participants, with a potential educational trip to Olympia for families.
  • Communication: Let’s expand the PTSA’s communications vehicles with an occasional newsletter, dedicated Facebook group, and an Instagram account.
  • Tech discussions: Let’s keep the tech momentum going, holding community forums about the new cell phone pouches, teaching with computers vs textbooks, and more.

If you have interest in these topics or great new ideas, please contact Molly Sahebjami at We would love to have your involvement.
