Who: Current 8th Graders 

What:  College-Preparatory Program at the University of Washington 

Looking for options for your student’s 9th grade year? You might consider the UW Transition School – a one year college prep program that prepares students to access UW Early Entrance the following year. 

The UW Transition School is a unique opportunity for students who are ready to work toward college-level academics and are motivated to assume more responsibility over their educational path.   

To learn more about the UW Transition School and to get information on the application process, visit them online at https://robinsoncenter.uw.edu/programs/transition-school/

If you’re interested, the school recommends that you and your family attend an Information Session this fall. You will have opportunities to ask questions of program staff and current students. Find out more about Information Sessions on their website. 

The application for UW Transition School will open on November 15th, and close on February 15. You can stay up to date on all of our events and deadlines by subscribing.  You can join the mailing list by clicking: Subscribe

Scholarships are available 

Program administrators are available to answer your individual questions and to assist you during the application process. Please email them at [email protected] or call at 206-543-4160

Even if you are not interested in the UW Transition School, you can keep the Robinson Center in mind when you are searching for advanced learning opportunities for yourself and your family. Be on the lookout for more announcements about course offerings in their Saturday and Summer Programs on their website!   
