What does the Annual Fall Fundraising Drive support? SO MUCH! It helps fund everything from school and classroom resources to in-school and after-school enrichment to community and equity support.
We hope to make our goal of raising $140,000 this year to cover ALL the extras that make this school thrive! In order to reach our goal, we are asking $300 per student, but any participation is appreciated! Each dollar will help fund the following: math & science equipment, sports equipment, books & backpacks, field trips, dances and so much more! With YOUR SUPPORT our students will have more opportunities to engage and explore, and make incredible memories with each other!
Your student was sent home with a form, which we ask that everyone fill out, whether or not you can donate at this time. The first 3 advisory classes to turn in all of their forms will receive a donut party, and if we have 90% participation from the entire school, each grade will earn a party in their 6th period. Forms are due by November 13th, and payments will be accepted via check, PayPal or Zelle. If you have any questions at all, please email the fundraising committee at [email protected].
Let’s come together to help support teachers with their classroom needs, and support our students in those large and small ways that make a huge difference in their education. Thanks to this awesome community for your support!